1.Jan. 3, 2016 2016년을 시작하며 (2016 Has Begun)28:29
2.Jan. 10, 2016 믿음 (Faith)30:20
3.Jan. 17, 2016 순종 (Obedience)29:12
4.Jan. 31, 2016 기근 (Famine)28:10
5.Feb. 7, 2016 갈등 (Conflict)29:23
6.Feb. 14, 2016 선택 (Choice)28:20
7.Feb. 21, 2016 전쟁 (War)28:59
8.Feb. 28, 2016 물질 (Possessions)28:33
9.March 6, 2016 두려옴 (Afraid)28:13
10.March 13, 2016 증거 (Testament)28:31
11.March 20, 2016 실수 (Mistake)28:30
12.March 27, 2016 체념하지 말라! (Do Not Resign!)29:00
13.April 3, 2016 체년하지 말라! (Don't Give Up!)28:46
14.April 10, 2016 언약의 표징 (Sign of the Covenant)28:25
15.April 17, 2016 내의 방법 (My Way)28:17
16.April 24, 2016 아브라함의 감격 (Rejoicing of Abraham)28:06
17.May 1, 2016 중보기도 (Intercessory Prayer)27:14
18.May 8, 2016 롯의 갈등 (Lot's Conflict)27:50
19.May 15, 2016 도피처 (Refuge)27:23
20.May 22, 2016 아브라함 때문에 (Because of Abraham)27:22
21.May 29, 2016 반복하는 실수 (Repeating Mistakes)28:01
22.June 5, 2016 말씀하신 대로 (By the Word of God)29:27
23.June 12, 2016 약속과 육신의 자녀 (Children of the Promise and of the Flesh)27:55
24.June 19, 2016 에셀나무를 심자 (Let's Plant a Tamarisk Tree)27:57
25.June 26, 2016 번제로 드리라 (Sacrifice as a Burnt Offering)27:37
26.July 3, 2016 아브라함의 순종 (Abraham's Obedience)28:22
27.July 10, 2016 여호와 이레 (The Lord Will Provide)29:51
28.July 17, 2016 약속은 이루어진다 (Promise is Achieved)27:53
29.July 24, 2016 사라의 매장지 (Sarah's Burial Site)28:28
30.July 31, 2016 결혼의 원칙 (The Principle of Marriage)26:58
31.Aug. 7, 2016 예비된 신부 (Prepared Bride)28:52
32.Aug. 14, 2016 일관성 있는 충성과 순종 (Consistent, Loyal, and Obedient)27:49
33.Aug. 21, 2016 하나님의 뜻 (God's Will)27:40
34.Aug. 28, 2016 누구나 죽는다 (Everybody Dies)28:39
35.Sept. 4, 2016 다음세대에 축복을 넘겨주라 (Pass on Blessings to the Next Generation)29:02
36.Sept. 11, 2016 장자권을 가볍게 여기지 말라 (Do Not Despite the Birthright)27:37
37.Sept. 18, 2016 이방인도 인정하는 축복 (Blessing that the Gentiles Also Recognized)29:44
38.Sept. 25, 2016 선한 영향력 (Good Influence)28:52
39.Oct. 2, 2016 실수 (Mistake)28:34
40.Oct. 9, 2016 반복되는 거짓말 (Repeated Lies)29:37
41.Oct. 16, 2016 거짓말의 결과 (Result of a Lie)28:30
42.Oct. 23, 2016 야곱을 찾아오신 하나님 (God Came to Jacob)28:24
43.Oct. 30, 2016 하나님을 만나고 나서 (After Meeting God)28:40
44.Nov. 6, 2016 열매 (Fruit)28:52
45.Nov. 13, 2016 야곱의 가족사 (Jacob's Family History)27:39
46.Nov. 20, 2016 그럼에도 불구하고 (Nevertheless)28:17
47.Nov. 27, 2016 출생과 상관없이 누리는 복 (Blessings Enjoyed Apart From Birth and Connections)27:59
48.Dec. 4, 2016 기다리면 (If You Wait)28:30
49.Dec. 11, 2016 용서의 사람 요셉 (Joseph, The Forgiving Man)28:29
50.Dec. 18, 2016 속고 속이고 (To Deceived and Be Deceived)27:58
51.Dec. 25, 2016 도망자 (Fugitive)27:49